Should I get the iPhone 7 Plus or the normal iPhone 8?

I currently have an iPhone 6s and I'm due for an upgrade which I'm deciding on whether to get an iPhone 7 Plus or the normal sized iPhone 8 the reason is because I can't afford the 8 Plus so I was wondering what do you think would be the better upgrade?

Do all what you wish

Do you want an inferior or a superior phone? It isn't a case about size it's that the iPhone 8 is clearly better than the 7 plus. If you'd rather size over specs then for for the 7 plus

I'd go for the 8. Plus models too big imo.

"Due for an upgrade" means your provider would like to cajole or shame you into getting an expensive phone - and maybe harnessing you to another multi year contract. If your current phone is broken, failing, and you NEED more internal storage or a larger screen to see spreadsheets, etc. Then. YOU do your research and budgeting, and YOU decide. Don't be gullible.

I phone 7 is trash go for the 8

Too big imo.

You should get iPhone x