Should I give up or tell him I miss him?

I have a crush on this guy. We met through my best friend because they're cousins. When we first started talking things went really well. It was obvious he liked me with all the cute texts, flirting, etc. He texted me first 3 days in a row. And then things slowed down a lot. Now we barely talk. Occasionally we'll snapchat (iphone app where you send pics back and forth.) But it doesn't compare to the way things were. When we first went a week without talking, he snapchatted me wishing me a happy birthday. Then another week went by without us talking. I snapchatted him saying hi and he said "hey beautiful." But we still barely talk. We were supposed to go trick or treating together but it got postponed to the saturday after halloween. And a couple days before that he snapchatted me and looked really sad. So I asked what was wrong and he said we couldn't go trick or treating because he had a football game. Then last monday I snapchatted him a picture of his school picture because I was at his cousin's house and I said "look at this cutie!" And he said "that's me!" and I said "oh really?" And he never answered. So now we haven't talked or anything since then.

I feel like he's giving up on me because we go to different school's and never get to see eachother. We've tried and our plans keep getting ruined. We barely talk anymore and it's killing me. Should I just give up or tell him I miss him sometime this week? I'm scared he won't feel the same and it'll be awkward.

Tell him you miss him
give it a shot, he might miss you too
if you give up on him he might be confused about it and forget about you and never ask you about why your ignoring him etc
i think you should tell him you miss him.

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