Should i go to school on the last day?

I'm a 7th grader and i go to this new school i live in a small town so i know people at this school, there so much drama people wanna fight me because they don't like my personality. My "friends just turn on me and are back stabers and the school is just not for me so my mom doesn't care if i don't go and tbh i don't want to and plus my new phone is coming through the mail tomrrow and the ups man is suppose to bring it to my house and no one will be here and if no one is here the ups will just take the iphone back so thats another reason why i should stay home, i feel like there's no point in going to a school waking up at 5am just to sit up in a class where people talk about you idc about the memories stuff cos the people i care about i have them on soical media so help me should i go to school on the last day where people have made threats to shoot, jump, and kill me: I… Best Answer Gets 5 points…

Keep the points. Stay home though, no reason to go on the last day regardless of all that other nonsense. Have a great summer!

Hell no.
1. The fighting
2. The friends
3. School sucks
I didn't go the last day because of my friends. Tbh I wouldn't. I would stay at home and have fun. But not a lot of fu bevcause your sick -_*

You're bullied, betrayed, and picked on. It is not easy to deal with. The last day can be one of the most challenging, trying to go around all those who pick on you. If you are given threats, then you should stay home, you probably won't do anything anyways. If your parents don't care, and you don't care for anyone about your school, then skip it.

You don't have to if your mom doesn't mind or you don't have so many absences that you NEED to go to school so you won't fail that grade from missing too many days.

As for the bullying… Well, the way I got people to leave me alone when I was in school is to analyze exactly what they were saying and poking holes in their statements or agreeing with them. Like when people started those "your momma" jokes I just nodded and agreed with them and they were so baffled by the fact that I just agreed that my mother was so fat she had her own gravitational pull that they finally stopped bothering me with those jokes. I was also called names that I also ended up responding too since they were kind of stupid in the first place. I used to be bothered by people making fun of my hair because it was so curly so I got an unoriginal name of "Curly" that bothered me until I just decided to not let it anymore since my hair WAS curly. It ended up becoming my nickname instead of an insult since I just brushed it off and would answer to it. Although this one boy came up with a nickname that baffled me when I first heard it but it related to how frizzy my hair was and it ended up becoming the nickname only he would call me so I just let it go. It was way more original than Curly lol

See the trick I found when it came to bullies is to make them believe that what they say doesn't bother you or just prove them wrong. If they call you fat join a sport that interests you. If they call you weird, why should that bother you? You probably do act pretty weird sometimes. If they call you dumb then meh, we can't all be geniuses.

Try to join groups that interest you as well because people with similar interests are better friends than most. The geeks, nerds, and fellow weird goofballs are a lot more fun to hang out with most of the time and if you get into sports and like it then hey you have teammates and some of them are pretty good friends as well who won't turn on you.