Should I just get my cracked iPhone fixed or get a refurbished one?

I have an iPhone 4 and I cracked the front pretty badly. The back only had on crack across it but the front is bothering me.

Would it be better to pay $200 at apple to get it fixed? Or buy a refurbished one from them! Help!

Added (1). I'm a little nervous to attempt fixing it myself. I'm NOT good with things like that and after watching a video I'm 95% sure I'd ruin the phone/lose a screw lol.

Honestly, I'd say you should wait for the newest phone to come out and buy that.

What means refurbished?

Before I pay $200 or look to buy another?

Sounds like you're going to throw it out.
you have nothing to loose by:
I would 1st learn on line how to fix myself online
Then, I would look to buy a replacement lens.
Then I would very happy, of how much I saved.

Get refurbished one. It is almost like new one.whyw wud you get cracked iphone?