Should I keep my iPhone 4 or get the 5?

I have an iPhone 4 (Not 4s!) but my father is offering to get me the iPhone 5 but I don't know whether to keep my 4 or get the 5. Some people have said its rubbish and its a waste of money, yet other people have said it really good and if you have the money get it. I love Apple and I'm not switching my phone to any other type! Its either keep my 4 or get the 5… Also my mother is asking me whether to get me an iPhone 4 case or iPhone 5 case for Christmas and I don't know what to say… I don't know what to do, keep my 4 or get the 5. Which is genuinely the best phone?

Added (1). I said I'm NOT changing to any other type of phone, I'm sticking with Apple! Don't try and persuade me to change, its not happening. Its an iPhone or an iPhone.

Keep your phone. The 5 isn't really worth it.

Keep 4

You should put the 4 in the toilet take a *** flush it and upgrade to an Android

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