Should I learn objective-c or python?

I'm just getting into computer programming. I have a macbook pro for my main computer and I was wanting to be able to make an A. I. (for an end project) but I'm not sure if I wanna use objective-c or python. I already know a little bit of python. But not enough to make it. I would like to to be ran on both windows and mac. But I also want to make an iphone app with it.

Objective-C is the best choice for programming Apple devices. Both Mac OS X and iOS use Objective-C as the "native" language to develop software for Apple products. For iOS, you pretty much have to use Objective-C (though you could still use Python since Python is written in C and Objective-C includes regular C and more.)

Well, what kind of AI application are you going to do?

I once did a chess program and that's considered AI, but I didn't have to use any of the languages that they consider good AI languages (like Lisp or possibly Python.)

I'd say to go ahead and start with Objective-C on your Mac. You can download XCode for free and have professional development tools for both Mac and for iOS.

When you start programming for Mac or iOS, you'll be better off if you use the design pattern model-view-controller (MVC) Apple uses this design pattern extensively in it UI frameworks Cocoa for Mac and Cocoa Touch for iOS.

Since you're making cross-platform apps, you'll especially want to isolate your model which will be the brains of your apps so that it is independent of the OS that it is running on.

I think that for your situation for programming, you would want to try out Objective-C as you said you have already done a little bit of python, which is a good starting point for doing Objective-C.

Objective-C is really easy to learn (and if you know the formulas, then you only need to learn the methods, which are pieces of cake, just logical words in camel-case), and is more applicable to iPhone applications, as it is based off Mac programming techniques.

On your Mac, you can download Xcode for free, and it even explains all of the separate methods in its directory and can be quick and easy to learn.

I started learning programming a month ago with Objective-C being my first language(and suck at it. ) and I have already started doing custom class objects, which I believe is a great improvement from not even knowing what NSLog is. Basically, its fairly easy to learn and the functions are simple enough.
Hope I helped.

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