Should i let my iPhone die completely before I charge it?

Okay so I just got an iPhone 4 and I let it go dead before I charged it. Then let it charge completely before using it. Do I have to do that every time or can I plug it in whenever I want and charge it.

It's a good idea for the health of the battery to let it die completely and then charge completely for at least the first few times you use the phone. After that, you should be ok charging it whenever.

Most folks just plug it in every night== like brushing your teeth.

Older style batteries in portable devices used to last longer if you followed that practice. It wassomething commonly known as "memory effect". Batteries used now (really the alst few years) are no longer subject to memory effect. You can charge them partially and as often as you like.

Your iPhone has a Li-ion battery and is not sensitive to partial charging so go ahead and charge when it is convenient to you all will be well, best not to drain completly although will not harm anything as iphone will shut down to protect if it gets too low but you could panic when your phone does not operate until about 10 minutes into charging, so as I said charge when convenient so it is always ready to Rock N Roll.

Regards Alan

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