Should I purchase the IPhone 5s now or wait till the IPhone 6?

I'm planning to pay out for a phone contract, however I'm not sure whether to buy the 5s or just wait for the IPhone 6. I have looked on websites saying it maybe be release sometime in September or October 2014; some time around there. I would just like to know other peoples opinions on this matter.

Wait until the 7 comes out, then buy a 4.

Wait if you can handle waiting another 1.5 to 2 months. If you have really low patience, get the 5s now. Trust me, the 5s will not go extinct right at the release of the 6. Look at the 4s for example. A lot of people are still buying and using that and it was released almost 3 years ago.

Iphone 5S is really good, I would get that unless you don't mind waiting. You don't know when 6 will be out, and there will probably be a backorder, when I bought 5S I had to wait 2 months so you may be waiting a while for 6. It depends if you really want to wait or not but iphone 5S is good.

Your coins, your phone, your choice. If it helps, wait. Why? The 5s will get cheaper after the 6 comes out. Best luck.