Should i sell my ipad mini to get iphone 5?

I have my ipad from two months and i love it but i want to buy an iphone 5 because i have nokia lumia 610 and it suck's or should i buy the iphone with the ipad mini can somebody help me?

I would sell it

I have an iPhone 5 an I hate it lol I think yhu should stick to the iPad if you want to get another fone go for something like a Samsung galaxy 3 or something.

No never you should stick to ipad

If you have the money to buy an Iphone 5 then defo go for it but if you don't stick with the ipad mini because the ipad is more powerfull and is as portable as the iphone 5

In my own opinion. I don't think that iPhone 5 have something special, and FYI: i heard that iPhone 5s will be released on September/October. So no.don't sell you ipad mini to get iPhone 5.
You should check out samsung galaxy s3, if the size won't matter you should get it (although it isn't that big)

Sell it in a few months, the next gen iPhone is going to be announced soon. If your going to buy it unlocked, its expensive. If you like using your iPad mini, don't sell it and save money for a new phone.