Should I stop listening to music?
I listen to music for the sole purpose of escape.
I don't listen to it because I'm bored, or as a comfort, or am in a dire need a pick me up. (like most normal individuals)
I just need to get away from my *** reality.So, I start imagining and coming up with scenario's of me at social events, travelling, getting married, being famous and recognized as a talented neurotic writer. All of these daydreams come flowing into my head as I press the "play" button on my iPhone.
When I do it, I don't really think much of it as I'm completely detached and out of touch with reality but now, it all sounds so downright lugubrious since it is undeniable that I'm filled with a great deal of life, but lack energy and motivation due to either A) My mental impotence B) General Laziness
It's awful really, and I believe the best thing for me to do in this case is to just quit listening to music altogether because it's just rather silly and pensive for me to keep daydreaming and escaping reality as opposed to FACING IT and making my dreams come true. Life is hard work, I'm not used to living and initiating positive actions yet.
Do something constructive, then listen to your music… I see nothing wrong with what you're doing, you just seem really ( Really ) creative.
No you shouldn't. Its really a good thing, the way you listen to music. You could use it as a stress reliever or when your upset or just need to get away from everything, Music can be your get away. I love music. Music's my life i don't know what i'd do without it. But like i said i use it to relieve stress or to just "get away" from upsetting things.
Why is this awful? It's one of the reasons that art exists in human culture.
It's only a problem if you spend so much time in your dream world that you start to neglect the real world. But every person needs some mental escape. Your brain gets exercise from imagination; it's valuable and pleasurable play, just like sports are for the muscles.
I don't think you should. It's obviously very therapeutic for you, and a healthy way of relieving your stress. Maybe you should cut down on daydreaming so much, but not completely stop.
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