Should I update my iphone 7 tat runs IOS 10.3.3 to IOS 11? Am I missing out? Will it slow down my phone?
Should I update my iphone 7 tat runs IOS 10.3.3 to IOS 11? Am I missing out? Will it slow down my phone?
No it won't slow it down, the iPhone 7 is far from old enough for it to be slowed down by iOS 11. As to whether it's worth it or not is purely up to you, I recommend checking and seeing if it offers features you want.
For me, I love the new control centre, the files app and the ability to screen record.
I have a 7 and download every update. It never slowed down my phone
Yes you should update, if only for security reasons. I have the 7 & there's no notable speed difference between those versions.
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