Should I upgrade to the iPhone 5s for $450.00?

Hey so right now I have the iPhone 4 and my birthday is in 2 weeks.
I want to upgrade to the 5s for my birthday and we have a family plan.
So my contract ends in October but in order to upgrade sooner it would cost $200 early termination fee plus $200 for the phone upgrade.

So do you think I should do that to have the new phone for my birthday?

Also, another annoying thing is that I have So many phone cases for my iPhone4 and they would all go to waste! :/

So what do you think I should do?

Just wait till October, who knows maybe by then they'll have a new iPhone out.

Word of advice don't go for apple products, it doesn't let the user do much and its too restricted. On the other hand android based phones give the user more flexibility and much more freedom to use their phones to full potential. Its your choice and if you want a iphone i recommend stick with the one you have now and wait for the next iphone as they come out with a new one every 6 months or sooner.

Best of Luck

They will announce the new iPhone in the spring and release it in October.
If you can hold off, you should. If not $450 is a little high to upgrade for my taste.
but if you were to buy one outright it would cost you about $300 more.

Your cases for the 4 you can always sell. 5S os good but you probably can't upgrade unless your contract is up.