Should i upgrade to the iphone 6s plus? - 1
I currently have the iphone 6 plus, but i'm thinking of selling my phone for $500 to my friend and paying the rest of the phone with that money and getting a 6s plus, i still got like alittle over 400 on it so what should i do? Should i upgrade or just wait until the 7?
Bruh, you don't need a bigger phone, wait for the 7
I don't see too much of a difference form the 6+ and 6s+. It's 750 from the 6s+ 16gb and you still owe 400 on your old phone. Is 650 really worth a phone that is a little faster than your current phone? They have the same things, just a new 3d touch. Not a big deal but if its worth 650 to you. Seems like throwing money out the window to me
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