Should I walk 2 miles to school?

My school doesn't offer buses and my mom works night shift she told me she won't make it in the morning… I have my iphone with me for directions and google maps said it was 40 minute walk… Should i do it? I'm in middle school (8th grade) and my school starts at 8:20am… I'm a little nervous that's all… What time should I leave?

I'm just gonna wall going to school and my mom's going to pick me up…

Taxi call the rolls royce service to get a good first day impression

There's no reason you should not, as long as it's a safe neighborhood and your health is okay. Be careful and don't take any rides from strangers, etc.

Buy a bike… 40 min would turn into maybe 10

Yeah, when I was in 9th grade, I walked home from school sometimes and it was five miles. You could and odds are nothing happens but still. You have to watch for traffic/ etc. It's not the greatest idea. Call somebody. Call the school or bus company. It's illegal for schools not to provide public transportation to their students.

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