Should it be made illegal for children under the age of ten years to have access or possession of iphones?
Should it be made illegal for children under the age of ten years to have access or possession of iphones?
Yes, much like those under 13 aren't supposed to be on this website.
Yes, especially since the radiation dangers are mostly unknown.
That is up to their parents.
Illegal? No. How would it be enforced? Cops going around rounding up children who they think might be under age 10 with a cell phone? Let parents make their own decisions.
Why? Give me good reasons and I might consider it, but I see absolutely no need or justification for such a move.
Sure, then we'll just built thousands of gaols for them too - You are not thinking quite on message -
the shame of a misdemeanour charge often leads children toward crime, particularly as
they huddle together to figure how to be ok but hide the shame…
Which is not to say I think mobiles for yougsters are a good thing but they are here to stay I believe
or for the forseeable commercial future.
No i don't. I think parents should stop placing laws in there to raise their own kids. Iphones tablets are their way of life. And holding them with out it will set them back in in life.
i think a parent should restict usage for children and have other things for them to do like hiking or biking or kayaking or kick ball or outside play of some sort. Painting at a park. More hands on plus more bonding between child and parents.
No, that's for parents to decide, but there should be plenty of publicity and information about the negatives associated with too much phone and internet time -- for both children and adults.
No, such a law could nvr be fully
enforcd & there are youngr kids who
are mature enough to use a phone corrctly.
That's a call for the children's parents or carers
To make thanks.
Very Best Wishes
Source. Ethics.
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