Sim Freeplay iphone cheat/hack?

I've been trying to find an up to date cheat forever. So does anyone have a cheat/hack for a non jailbroke iphone that gives millions of lp and simoleans?

(I've already tried the ifunbox but it won't work with my phone)

Sometimes there are contests and/or post asking who wants a top up (top up means millions of LP and Simoleons) found in this Facebook group (if link doesn't work, it's called The Sims Freeplay Platinum), but you would have to willing to give your Facebook (whichever your game is connected on) info (email and password). Although anything to do with top up is becoming more rare because of a post EA made, but it's worth a try. Also, you can add to your friends list, as she said she would post about top up help sometime in the future.