Singers! I need to know what you think of my voice
Be brutal, we're on the internet after all.
Recorded using iPhone.
And one question do you singers find it harder to sing a song as it goes on?
The reason your singing gets harder as you sing is because your vocals are extremely airy. We sometimes do this to create a softer sound but that sound should be created in your embouchure and supported by the diaphragm.
I can actually hear you taking in air before every line. That is bad LOL. Teachers always argue over this so I decided to upload videos on this very technique to my own personal website. The only air you hear me take in is due to asthma that I can only do so much albuterol for completely wigging out.
Your consonants are very crisp and clean so that is one area you do not have a problem in. There are still other areas to work on however. You should look at breathing. With correct breathing you could get those natural overtones in your voice which are billowing of notes that ultimately create incredible inflection and emotion. Hope this helps
Nothing wrong with your voice that a little training can't fix, though the breathing is a little obvious.
I suggest working on your breathing.
As for the question: it depends. If the song gets more demanding as it goes on, yes. If it doesn't, you're probably a little weak in that area and need to work harder for it, and there's nothing wrong with that.
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