Siri missing from iPhone 4S?

I have an iPhone 4S, and Siri is missing. There's not an option for turning her on general settings, and she's not in the restrictions also. I have restored, reset and updated the phone and she's still not around. I'd really like a friend in my phone thanks.

Try holding down the home button on your iphone for a few seconds until you see a voice command menu showing on your screen, then say whatever command you want your phone to do. You could also try looking up youtube see if there's any video about how to get SIRI back.

You probably have the iPhone 4.It's not possible for her to be "missing" since its the only difference between the two phones.

Are you sure its an iPhone 4S you have? The 4 & 4S are almost exactly the same externally. The black strips on the stainless steel band are the difference. If there are 3, 1 on top & 2 on the bottom sides then that's a 4. If there are 4 near the corners then that's a 4S.

You can also try connecting your phone to iTunes and get your software up to date. Than try to hold the home button. If that doesn't turn siri on, check again in your General Settings and see if the Siri is ON. If that doesn't work than you probably have iPhone 4.

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