Sites prompt me to install their iPhone app?

The "nag" messages asking me to install various "Helper" apps keep popping up on my screen. No the "pop up blocker" does not help. Some forums open up the App Store without even asking.

I know they are just adware, so I always click on "No Thanks".

I use Chrome because Safari does not work on far too many online discussion forums.

Is there a trick to blocking them that I do not know about?

Well something like that opening by itself would get it booted from Google had that been on Android. Don't click No Thanks just set aside unless you have to No Thanks.

I have downloaded various old favourite games to my stupid phone… Like Solitaire and Free Cell. I've also downloaded some new ones, like Candy Crush Saga and Bubbles. Well, the faves are just the games, play as often as you like.

The new ones? If you want to advance to the next adventure levels, you need to contact your friends to ask them for lives, or you need to download this OTHER game as part of a challenge, or you need to BUY gems or lives or coins or whatever to stay alive…

Personally, I'm really happy I don't live my entire life trying to "stay alive" on one of these games. I'll let them take 11 hours to revive me.