Song won't play all the way through in iTunes?
When I try to play one of my songs in iTunes, it stops after about 1:15 of playing. In iTunes, the part at the top that shows what song is playing and what part it is at goes back to just showing the apple symbol. When I play it on my iPhone, it stops at the same time then moves on to the next song. It's only this one song that I'm having the problem with. All of my other songs are fine. I did purchase it on iTunes. It's not from a CD. I'm not sure if that makes a difference, but I was wondering if there's anything I can do to get it to play the whole song.
Added (1). Yeah, I was thinking of trying to buy it one more time, but if it still doesn't work I'm not going to try buying it a third time because I don't want to waste my money trying to get it to work when it won't.
Added (2). Unfortunately there only is one version.
That sucks that you purchased it on iTunes and it's still acting like that. I've had this problem before and I can assure you it's a problem with the file that iTunes is unable to play. It's not iTunes itself. It's the song. However, when I've experienced these problems it was never from itunes bought songs. Try to download another version of the song. Or deleting it and getting it again. This should solve your problem. If the issue persists, I'd recommend contacting the iTunes customer service about your problem, as you are paying valuable money for these songs and not getting what you are promised.
You should delete the song and go download it again in iTunes. It shouldn't charge you for a song you previously bought. (I've done this before since I own 3 different apple products). There's an option for you to view all of your iTune purchases, including apps, videos, movies and music. You should be able to redownload it for free in that section. If it does the same thing, then I recommend contacting customer service to refund your purchase.
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