Spilled alcohol in the headphone jack of my iphone 4
Last night some girl dropped abit of her alcohol in the earphone jack of my iphone 4 and when i opened it to see if it was okay there clearly was some water damage in the screen. I was going to get it fixed because it wasn't that bad but last night i put it on the charger when i got home and this morning i tried turning it on and its completely fried like it won't turn on at all. I think the charging fried my phone cause of the alcohol in it. Please Help WHAT DO I DO
Added (1). This morning i couldnt turn it off its completely dead even though i put it on the charger last night.was it a bad idea charging it?
Turn t off! Onc you have turned it off let your iPhone sit in rice. Rice? Yes, rice will absorb the water out of the phone. But you will have to leave it in for at least a couple of days. I used white rice, but I'm sure any other rice would be fine. If it worked for me, it'll work for you.
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