Starting to learn Japanese Kanji?

I need help on where to start. Any good FREE iPhone apps or websites? I prefer iPhone apps if you can. Any suggestions on how to remember them too?

My friends swear by Anki. It's free.
I also recommend - using the "kanji by radicals" link at the top, you can put kanji together and learn how to "build" words, similar to prefixes/suffixes or greek/latin roots in English.
A good way to learn kanji is to learn the radicals and their meanings.

Like Arika, I use anki and jisho. As far as which kanji to learn, I learn in context based on new vocabulary. If I learn a new word that has a kanji, then I add the word and the kanji and the reading into anki. If the kanji is already in anki with a different reading, then I add the new reading to the older one and reset the timing on the card.

I learn vocabulary mostly from podcasts. Japanesepod101 is a great resource for vocabulary, and the grammar that goes with it.

Hope this helps

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