Straight Talk iPhone 6S won't send pics to non-apple phone users?

My daughter gave me her old Straight Talk Iphone 6S. She unlocked the phone so I could use it with my carrier but then we decided to stay with Straight Talk.

I'm unable to send Bitmoji's and photos to non-Iphone users. I can't turn on the MMS feature, it's hidden.

Anyone have this problem or know how to fix it?

Not all phones support picture and video texts.
if it really is an issue with your phone, you should call Straight Talk Support. They will help you with feature problems.

MMS is being depreciated, so not all networks support it anymore. You should be able to send photos via email, or various social networks!

This phone DID support MMS service but we lost the original SIM card and bought a replacement start up kit SIM card. Straight Talk says the start up kit SIM cards are not the same as the original SIM cards so unless I purchase another phone with the original SIM card I will have no MMS.

It's a Straight talk phone that's been unlocked so I may try another carrier when my service runs out in a few weeks.

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