TEENS: What's on your Christmas list?

For me:
-iPhone 4s (i'm lucky and my upgrade is like right on christmas xD)
-Otterbox case
-Colored pants (to build up my collection)
-RED CD by Taylor Swift
-Scarf hat
-Light blonde and brown hair dye (I want some highlights)
- other hair accessories( Like bobby pins. I always lose bobby pins.)
- The hunger games movie (I really like this movie.)
- a Christmas hat (I have a hat collection tooXD )
- some makeup (I love makeup) ._.

What about you? Everything else I want is a little more picky and that I'd probably want to buy with my own money anywayXD

A book.
I'm trying to decide whether to ask for The Illusion of Life: Disney Animation or Pandora Hearts: Odds and Ends.

And maybe some Sakura pens or a Hufflepuff necktie.

And I'm hoping for bookstore giftcards and/or money.

I find it strange that I'm only 13 yet I don't really want much of anything for Christmas.
- I guess a book would be nice. I found one at the book store called Delirium that I was interested in.
- I wouldn't mind the RED CD either.
- How about a life, does that one count? No… Ok.
- I'm a Sims 3 fan so the next expansion would be nice.

That's pretty much it. I'm not a big present person. Meh…

:) Good question!

-sliver Micheal Kors watch
-naked 2 eye plate
-philosophy home for the holidays body wash set
-lululemon leggings or pants i don't know yet (you might not know what these are if you don't live in canada. There really popular here and i want to add to my collection)
-another pair of uggs
-another pair of raybans
-acqua di gioia perfume
*note* i'm not going to get every single thing on this list i'm only going to ask for a few things on it.btw i'm a 13 year old girl

A couple band posters and band merch: D although i'm getting NONE of that. But i'm getting a bass <3 so thats cool:3

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