Tell me some of your first world problems?

Here's mine
1) my toliet paper holder in the bathroom broke
2) I filled up my IPhone memory ( no room for new pics)
3) my Amazon Prime membership expired

Well the remote control for my air conditioner disappeared a few days ago so now whenever I want to turn it on or off I have to get up and do it myself.

I want to eat, but the fridge is too far away.

I pack my lunch and sometimes at work, I realize it's something I dislike, so I have to spend money to buy me a Medium sized Dominoes pizza. Hate spending my money lol #Cheap #FirstWorldProblems

M<y hands hurt so fu86eng bad, i have a head ache from someplace deep within hell and i have very little money and so many things yet to do and my health isn't allowing for it.

Seems no matter what i do i just can't get ahead, for every two steps ahead i get i manage to slip back 3

First world solutions:
1) Buy a new one, or fix it.
2) Clear or transfer photo's and or music. And don't buy an Iphone
3) renew it, or why use it at all?

John 1. Get faster internet.
2. Don't use vaseline, And kitchen paper only requires a single sheet use.

Cat Face There's no 4th world. And the 3rd really isn't a problem, other then our own moral about it.

Ashley; Walk

Anonymous, Stephen fry: 'Stop feeling sorry for yourself, and you will be happy'

The 3rd and 4th world

Unemployment, had a mammogram and now they want me back for more stuff, not sure why

I have to buy another surge protector, my other 2 are always filled.

1) I slept too little last night.
2) I'm running out of money (its not like that, I'm 13 and literally am running out of MY own money)
3) My Kindle crashes every time I play Minecraft PE on it.
4) I left my summer reading book at my aunt's house, and I never get an opportunity to retrieve it.
5) I have to write 3 essays and draw 2 illustrations as projects for my summer reading, and they're all due in 3 weeks.