Tell my Girlfriend that no on will hack her iPhone (or iCould account) if she does send dirty pic to me?

My girlfriend thinks that people will hack her phone or iCloud account if she send me a few send dirty pic. I tried to tell that no one will hack her iPhone unless its is an ex boyfriend. She thinks she knows everything, can someone please tell her that no one will not HACK her?

Added (1). I'll just show her the answers

It's not very likely that someone hacks your phone.
But please do not send so dirty pictures… They still might get out.

As part of my friend's divorce, her estranged husband posted a sex video of them. She didn't even there was any. She had to find criminal charges against him and still doesn't know what else he has.

She doesn't want to do it. Stop asking!

Her fears are not invalid. Celebrities and normal people have had their iCloud hacked because they lost control of the email account it is attached too or they used the same password on a different account that was compromised. Regardless, if she is not comfortable doing it, you should not pressure her if you actually respect her.

Just tell her to do it over kik, just say it's a secure private server or some ****.

So… You could post it. No hack needed. She's smart - you are not.

LOL. That doesn't sound very smart. How can you prove to her that no one can hack into iCloud accounts when it has been done in the past? Haven't you heard of this:
It seems to me that you have no understanding of computer security at all even though you think you know everything.

Why do you want dirty pics of her?

Dear Girl Friend,
Kick this loser to the curb. He doesn't care about you. Don't surrender your life to this control freak.

Well, it isn't a guarantee, though iCloud is one of the more secure services around.

NB the 2014 'hack' of iCloud was actually a phishing attack on the people involved, i.e. They were sent emails from 'Apple' concerning their accounts & they entered their credentials at which point they had access

What's her number?