Iphone 5s finger scanner?

In the new iphone 5s there's a finger scanner. Do we have to use the finger scanner? Can we use the normal password for our phones? I wouldn't always want to use the finger scanner. If I need one of my friends to unlock my phone they couldn't.

You will be able to use a password if you wish, either in leiu of or an addition to the fingerprint scanner.

Of course there will be an option to turn it off, but personally I think thats a great feature.

No you don't have to have the finger scanner on all the time, its just like setting your iphone 4/4s/5/5c/3 on normal and turn the passcode on and off the times that you want. As it's no difference really apart from that added finger scanner, your finger print is yours making it 100% safe that no one can get it, very impossibly rare that someone could get in to that phone because its gunna need the exact same finger print as you with the right pattern so don't worry… This is a safe phone… Very safe