Their is a specific phone case I want on eBay but it's only for iphones and galaxy's would any of them fit the LG V20?

Their is a specific phone case I want on eBay but it's only for iphones and galaxy's would any of them fit the LG V20?

I mean which iphone or galaxy model is most similar to LG V20?

Don't even try, it won't fit. At all. None of the iPhones are shaped like the LG V20 or have the same cut outs as the LG V20, it would be a disaster.

With phone cases, you want to get the case for your specific phone. Because even though other phones might be of similar dimensions and shapes, there are differences that can make it so that the case doesn't fit. Don't bother with trying to get a case for another phone.

With phone cases, you want to get the case for your specific phone. Because even though other phones might be of similar dimensions and shapes, there are differences that can make it so that the case doesn't fit. Don't bother with trying to get a case for another phone.

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