There are tiny scuffs on my iphone it my fault?

I bought an iphone 5 one month or two months ago, and today I noticed that it has tiny scuffs just a little above

and below the speakers and the head phone jack.

I take good care of my phones, but I might have dropped it once or twice, but it didn't make an impact that would

freak me out, and I know that the iphone 5 has scuffs from Apple ever since it was launched.

so were these scuffs from the two times that I dropped my Iphone 5, or were they from Apple?

Hatd to say, as i think you know an IPhone can't take lots of damage, i once droped my iPhone and i had to take it i'm Reparation cause if i wouldn't i couldn't use it! So i think it can be aftet you droped it

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