Transferring photos from MacBook Pro to iPhone 4?

I have a bunch of pictures from my camera that i transferred to my macbook pro and put in iphoto. I started a new folder to sync certain photos from my mac to my phone. In the folder there are random pictures from my camera and iphone (that were deleted because of space). When i sync them to my phone it shows the correct number of pictures (508 in my case) but a lot of the pictures have several copies. Some pictures are on my phone 7 times. And then some pictures don't even sync over to my phone.none of my pictures are duplicated in the folder on my computer so i have no idea why it's doing it on my phone. Or why some of them don't even sync to my phone. Any ideas? Also there all out of order.they're organized by date on my computer then when they get to my phone they're all in random order

Added (1). **i made a separate folder on my desktop where i took pictures from iphoto and dragged them to the new folder. So it's not all the pictures on my computer. And when i sync them on itunes i make sure to click on that folder that's on my desktop (like the home screen of my mac.don't know the correct term)

You created a backup and that made multiple copies in the same folder the old synced photos where, and then that created a backup of themselves on your macbook. What you need to do is select itunes on itunes the photos folder you want to sync to your iphone only, not all photos on your computer. Then press sync.

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