Trump hasn't tweeted in over 48 hours
I'm starting to have withdrawal symptoms. Do you think that the zookeeper took away his iPhone?
I hope hes alright.
Maybe they stopped sliding Big Macs underneath his bedroom door and he's too hungry to Tweet.
So? Presidents are busy
He'll wait for things to settle down then he'll troll the media again and they will fall for it.
His genius and his stability must be tended to.
Big fan of the iToy Empire's Tools for Fools, are we, hon?
Please share!
Maybe, just maybe he's starting to mature past a 4th grade level?
Either his staff finally forbid him from going online or he had some kind of massive stroke or heart attack. I'll enjoy my coffee either way.
He is playing golf in Florida at taxpayers expense again.
- Will my iPhone 6 record for over 8 hours straight? I plan on moving from the upper Midwest to El Paso Texas. I will drive from my current residence to Denver Colorado which is a 8 hour drive. After spending the night, I will then take I-25 from Denver all the way down to El Paso. That's an additional 9 hours ish. I want to take a continues dash cam video of my travels. Will my iPhone 6 be able to handle that? If not what device would work?
- Why does Netflix keep pausing and playing over and over? I'm using it on my iphone 4. And I have checked my connections over and over I've uninstalled reinstalled, signed in signed back and everything else that the troubleshoot website has recommend. And it's gotten annoying. It didn't start doing this as much until I updated the app before the ios 7 release. I'm currently using the trial for netflix and my laptop doesn't work so I can get it on anything but my phone.
- Trump hasn't tweeted in over 24 hours This from a guy who has done so 6 to 8 times a day since the beginning of his presidency. Have the zookeepers finally confiscated his iPhone?
- Trump has been warned his IPhone is not secure but he refuses to not use it, China is listening to Hannity tell Trump what to do. Is Trump? Spewing State Secrets to China? Doesn't Trump Tweet on his IPhone whenever he is alone? Mornings and Nights