Trump uses unsecured personal iPhone that is not even being closely looked after: it was reportedly left on a golf cart at his?

Golf course in New Jersey last year, causing 'a scramble' to find it. Lock him up?

It's not a crime for the President to be sloppy with his own security, idiot.

The President is the top authority on information classification. He could, at a whim, classify recordings of his bowel movements Secret and his conversations with General Mattis FOUO.

But, none of you left wing turds know anything about government information classification, nor do you know anything about cyber security.

Yep. Using a cell phone he has been TOLD is not secure is much worse than Hillary using a private server that was never broken into during her term as SoS. But you won't hear any of his supporters shouting "Lock Him Up!" They're OK with the Chinese and the Russians listening in to national secrets!

You told us that was alright when Hillary did it.
Seems a little two-faced of you.

Living proof - - Fake News is much more interesting than reality

Yeah, like, what is your point?

Are you trying to equate that to setting up a private E-mail Server to do Government Business? Lying about how many devices you use?

maybe Trump's Valet should be rfired, and we lock YOU up for attempting a Coup on a duly elected President?
I like that idea.

Yeah, his using his private phone did make me laugh, except it is still an unsafe practice and laws should stop people of authority from doing those things!

He is reckless about everything.

Yes, lock him up.