Unlocked iphone 5 problem tmobile?
I recently bought an iphone 5 at&t 32 gb on craiglist from a guy.
The iphone was in very good condition, and I bought it.
He said the phone was unlocked for all tmobile users. So I believed him and took it home.
So I cut down my SIM card from my original smartphone, (LG G2X) to fit the nano sim card.
and put it in the iphone 5, however, it keeps on saying "No Service" even after it says searching…
I tried restoring it and everything but would not work.
What could be the problem here? It recognizes my phone number on itunes, but I have no service. Is it that I could have cut the sim card wrong?(But I cut it perfectly to fit in) or is it that the phone is NOT unlocked?
How can i fix this?
Your iPhone 5 is not unlocked at all, there's nothing wrong with your trimming the SIM if the SIM fits well and your number is recognized on iTunes. You should get it factory unlocked and your phone will work fine on T-Mobile. You can mail this person (arghyle@rocketmail.com) who can help you get the phone factory unlocked.
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