Unlocked iphone for T-mobile

So before someone comments asking why I want an iPhone, & that i shoud get the Galaxy s3,
I already have it, & i'm not the biggest fan.
ALSO, before you say it isn't possbile, On the website it says Unlocked at&t iphones are compatiable.
At&t has been trying to purchase t-mobile for a while now, i believe & i think they finally have since they are now advertising at&t phones on the t-mobile webite.
So is it possible for me to go to the Apple store, purchase a white 8g iphone 4? Because its about $450 just for the 4. And is it possible to bring it into the t-mobile store to get it hooked up to t-mobile?
Please LET ME KNOW! Someone who works at t-mobile and actually knows or something!

You could spend about $200 more and get the iPhone 5 with no commitment. Then all you would have to do is restore the phone and it will be unlocked and you will be able to use it with any GSM carriers! Including t-mobile

But if you want to use the iPhone 4 with tmobile don't buy it from at&t! All you have to do is go to an apple store and ask for the UNLOCKED version of the iPhone 4! Then all you have to do is pop your tmobile sim card into the phone and you're good to go!

Just FYI, the ATT - T-Mobile merger never happened.

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