Unresponsive iPhone home button?
So for the past couple months, I have been having issues with the home button on my iPhone 4. I purchased it in October of 2010, so I knew these problems would start occuring sooner or later.
What is starting to happen, is that I'm noticing my iPhone's home button to be a bit unresponsive. Not sticky, but when I double tap to access my multitasking menu I feel like I have to try 10 times of double tapping before it actually takes me to the menu.
When I do this, my screen is always jumping around to the home button, and the search menu, and this is very frustrating. I honestly need a solution because I don't think I can take this anymore! Maybe if there's a recalibration method of some sort.
I also hate it when I'm playing in an app and I want to access the menu. It just drops everything I'm doing and I end up losing my saved place. This makes the multitasking feature on my phone completely useless!
Maybe, during those 2 years you spilled liquid in the home button? You can try bringing it to apple and shedding a few bucks to get it paid. Or it should be time to get a new phone.
Visit Apple Store and get it repaired.
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