Using school Wi-Fi on personal device?

So the school I go to now has Wi-Fi for its students. We log in with and student if numbers and our birthdate same is how we use the computers here at school. But when I log on with my iphone what can the school see? I know they can see what websites I'm going to but anything els?

Don't know what your school uses, but in a nutshell, briefly, they can see everything you do.

Yes, the school will track who went where and why. It's going through a proxy server and that server reports back to a DB storing every site you've visited as well as the payload (a cached version of the site) for administrators to view if needed.

Not all school districts are tech savvy -- yours might not have a strong IT group; however, most schools across the country follow the above practice I've described.

Most likely your school tracks all traffic. They can't see what is on your phone. If they use a proxy server like Jon mentions then they can see the actual data being transferred unless the connection is encrypted. If you aren't going through a proxy server, then what they can see is the logs of who connects to which sites when but not the content of the traffic. This is what most people use.

Basically anything unencrypted. If you have sharing they can see all your files shared. If they have it setup that way then they can see everything shared.pretty much assume nothing is private.