Verizon Wireless, Boost Mobile, OR Metro PCS?

So my parents have had verizon wireless for 10+ years already and my contract with my droid x is up in about a month. Anyway we pay quite a bit already for just me having a cell phone with unlimited internet and I've actually been wanting an iphone for quite sometime and hope to get the new one. Yet, other companies have so much better deals like boost mobile and metro pcs and they have 4g phones now also. Not to mention that adding another phone with internet like my brother will still be cheaper than doing so in Verizon Wireless.

Question: Thus I was wondering if it is worth it to switch to boost mobile or metro pcs since they are cheaper but still have 4g and if so, which one is better between the two in terms of internet connectivity and what not. I know both companies do not offer the iphone but I'll get over it.
- OR should we just stick to verizon wireless, I get my iphone and mosey on as a happy camper? Obviously this is not our only resource but I'm just looking into some insight that the yahoo answers community may offer.

I don't know about metro but i have boost mobile. Great service not to mention fast and speedy phones. There also really decent looking and feeling. I have the ZTE warp which has a 4.3 inch screen in like hd i think lol alls i know is its fast crystal clear resolution and was only 180$

Boost Mobile uses Sprint towers. I don't know how well Metro PCS service is.

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