Video Compilation: video stitching/editing?

I have a project going on. I need to make a video that will be a compilation of 6 kids individually reading parts of a letter.So- basically I need to take 6 video clips and stitch them together. What is the best app on an iPhone to do this?

Video editing sometimes become very money consuming due to need of expensive video editing softwares, large disk space and computer with high performance graphics. That's the reason, some time before, we listed " 10 Best And Free Online Video Editing Software" that allows you to work within the browser to cut and edit videos without having too much knowledge of video editing.

  • What's a good video editing app for iPhone that's free? I need one that I can either pause my recording at least mash videos together. I used to use iMovie but I got a new phone and I use a different apple account now and I don't have any money on it or money to put on it.
  • What's a good video editing app for iPhone 3G? It has to be able to work on iPhone 3G, to trim video, to add video effects, to add sound effects, and to be able to upload videos to YouTube.
  • What is a good video editing app? I'm shooting a movie with my iPhone and I want the footage to look really washed out. Almost black and white but still have a little bit of color. I've found apps that do this, but only to pictures. I have video editing apps but they can't achieve the look I'm trying to get. Does anyone know of any apps that allow you to tamper with the contrast, color, tone etc.
  • What is a good video editing app? - 1 My friends and I made a funny little "ghost hunting" video in the graveyard and when I was filming it, I accidentally filmed the name on one of the tombstones so what I'm wanting to do is just smudge out the name on the tombstone so no one can see it. It can either be downloaded for free on my computer or an app on my iPhone 4. I'd rather have the app but I'll take either one. If this is even possible.