Virgin Mobile or Straight Talk? Please give reasons too?

I currently am on Verizon's family plan with barely any minutes and unlimited messaging with no data. I would like to get back onto a No-Contract phone plan with good coverage and i used to have Virgin Mobile and i loved how cheap they were but their service wasn't the best about 2-3 years ago. I don't wanna spend any more then $50/month and would like to have an android/iphone with it. So my question is, which phone company has better price and service for their plans? Virgin Mobile or Straight Talk, or any other company you know of? Also i live in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

Straight talk is pretty great but different phones run through different services! The CDMA phones are Verizon and the smartphones are through sprint and all the other phones are either through tmobile or AT&T! They all run off of towers I had a Verizon powered phone and it was awesome never dropped a call but they don't offer smartphones through Verizon towers that's the one thing that sucks! I don't know if they offer this where you are but it's a prepaid plan called pageplus! They also run off Verizon towers and you can have an iPhone and any smartphone on this plan

I have Virgin mobile. I pay $35 a month for unlimited text, data, and 300 talk minutes. For $55, you can have unlimited talk, but I've never come close to using up my 300 minutes.

I get good coverage, and have never had to contact customer service.

Hands down Virgin is better, check out reviews

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