Walking hiking trails n the park by the river. I had my walking stick and a young child with me?

A group of people had their dogs of the leashes. Dogs came running up to me. I thought they were going to attack me. I was scared and screamed and held out my walking stick to protect me. Did not touch the dogs. The owners did not even try and get their dogs. Then I was trying to get out of there and then the dogs came a 2nd time and tried to attack me. I then got my iphone out and started video taping as I was walking away. I wanted to get the attack on camera in case I had to use my stick on them. As soon as I get my phone out the people restrain their dogs and then started yelling at me for videotaping. Not sure if there was a better way to handle this or not. I'm truly afraid of dogs.

Added (1). All dogs are supposed to be on a leash in the park. I have seen a few dogs off leash before by the river but the owners were always in control of the dogs and a pack of dogs never came running towards me. The dogs just abandoned their owners to come running towards me and my child. Which has never happened before and I have been walking this park for years?

Ok so what's your question? Yes you can video tape. No you shouldn't be afraid of dogs. Glad the dogs didn't hurt you.

The dogs didn't hurt you in any way? Did they show aggression? Did they just sniff you? Why are you so upset about this? Nothing happened, all of this is just your over reacting to harmless happen chance with dogs you did not know.

I would have been petting the dogs, asking owner what their names were. Best thing about each one. You know just small chat but still petting & messing with the dogs. I'd be down to eye level. I love dogs.

You just panicked, flipped out, it blew your mind, you thought you were going to see Jesus. If the dogs were the least bit aggressive they could smell your fear & that could trigger an attack but it didn't. You are okay.

You don't give any evidence that the dogs tried to attack you. If they had tried to attack you, they would have attacked you.
Maybe they tried to intimidate you. If so, they succeeded.
I had seen somebody screaming and threatening my dogs with a stick, though, I would have called them back.

I'm going to be honest here.
From what you wrote, I question whether or not the dog was actually trying to attack you, or even being aggressive. You said you felt they were trying to attack you as soon as they ran over, but a dog running up to a person they encounter is very normal, and they usually do this to say hi or investigate. You don't mention anything the dog or dogs did other than come over near you twice, but I don't understand why you would perceive that as aggression. It is very common for dogs to like humans, ans run over to any new person, hoping to make a new friend. This is much more common than a dog running over to attack someone. Was there something else that made you believe the dogs meant you harm?
If the dog truly was being aggressive, it is not a good idea to yell and wave a stick around, because that's just going to excite a dog and make it feel threatened. Certainly once it was clear you were in distress, the owners should have retrieved their dog, but honestly they were probably surprised and taken aback, and trying to figure out what was going on. Next time, stand still, and call out "I'm very afraid of dogs, and it's very scary for me to be close to dogs, so I'm very frightened. Can you please come collect your dog?" Then the owners won't be confused as to what's going on, and they won't be offended thinking that you are saying something bad about their dog.
It seems like you are very frightened of dogs, and don't really understand them very well. I could give recommendations on what to do during a dog attack, but if a dog isn't actually attacking you it will just make things worse, and will make a dog more likely to attack, so I don't think it is wise to make those recommendations.
I would just not go to places where dogs are permitted off-leash, or often go off leash, until you are a little more comfortable with dogs. I would very much suggest you try to understand dogs a little more, so you don't have to be frightened just be a dog coming up to you.
Do you have any friends with dogs that might be able to help you get more used to dogs, and help you understand what behavior is normal for dogs, and what behavior is concerning?

Yes, you were walking hiking trails "n" the park by the river and had your walking stick and a young child was with you and dogs ran up to you. I agree.

Can you video animals anywhere? Yes.

I was walking my 125 pound dog on a lead when an unleashed dog came up to us and suddenly lunged at my dog. The other dog knocked me down and I broke my finger (which is being set tomorrow).

Some people are fools.

Use the walking stick in a sweeping motion, side to side, Instead of screaming, yell "No!" and "Back off!". These behaviors make you look in charge of your defense instead of hysterical.

I personally think the people walking the dogs were very ignorant and they should have recalled their dogs BEFORE the dogs had chance to run towards you.
They "should" also have noticed you had a child with you.
Its the heights of bad manners to allow a dog or dogs to run up to people who are strangers, as its not everyone who likes dogs, knows how to read them. Or wants to be bothered by them.
Your reactions were a bit OTT but this was from fear and you were within your rights to video the dog and the owners in any case.
Its people like those dog owners that give the rest of us a bad name and if this had happened to me, I would have lost my temper and berated at them for their ignorance. Jmo.

" I'm truly afraid of dogs." that is your issue and you created the problem AND put your issue onto the child with you… Ignore the dogs, keep walking, no sceaming, no waving your stick around at them, and there would not have been any issue… People walking dogs off lead on a hiking trail KNOW their dogs behaviour is OK, they know their dogs are people/dog friendly… Dog will run up and look and run back to their owners, you sceaming made them react and waving a stick about encouraged them to you as many dogs will assume you are going to interact with them and throw the stick for them to fetch… If a 'pack of dogs' was going to randomly 'attack' then you would have been attacked,… Your issue is fear of dogs and you are doing everything that not only encourages dog to go to you but is also threatening in the dog world.
Calm, quiet, don't look at the dogs, keep your mouth shut, don't wave sticks about or hold your arms/sticks above your head, don't try to kick them with your legs etc and walk on by… So completely ignore and the dogs will do exactly the same, they will walk past as you are boring to them and that is how you want to seem if you have an irrational fear of all and any dog… Then go and get that irrational fear resolved

Just a comment but what was the purpose of the stick you were carrying?

if you think that a stick will prevent a loose dog intent on attacking you, think again. Most dogs view that type of object as a weapon which makes them excitable. Dogs will view YOU suspiciously and come closer… Next time leave it at home or try to hide it if you see dogs running about.

Use the phone to actually call the police and then record.

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