Wanted to know is it possible to have two cameras on one cam caddie? Use vhs and digital cameras if not can I put a iPhone on cam caddie?
Wanted to know is it possible to have two cameras on one cam caddie? Use vhs and digital cameras if not can I put a iPhone on cam caddie?
Jdjdjd hhdufufy. Hucufufyfu
- Why are modern digital cameras still stuck with the problem of shutter lag? The iPhone has overcome this problem; incidentally, the iPhone's camera is terrible due to the amount of bright eye from the flash aside from the disgusting colour clarity.
- Two different computers, two different iTunes.can I use the same Apple ID? I have iTunes on my computer that I use for my iPhone, and my mon just got an iPod Touch and wants me to fill it for her. I'm going to use her computer to do this, which currently does not have iTunes. Once I download iTunes, can I use my own Apple ID to download songs and apps onto her iPod? Is it possible to do that without disturbing what's on my phone, or do I have to make a whole new iTunes account for her?
- Is it possible to buy an iphone and NOT have to buy the plan? Is this possible and how? I'm trying to convince my parents to buy me an iPhone, but which one do I buy and can it be used without the plan for $40 or $30? All my friends keep saying different things and iim afraid the store will just sell me the expensive one.
- IPhone 6s plus or 7 plus. I know the prices and what they do. But what I wanted to know is Did the 7 fix the home button problem? That s my main worry. I use my phone to text, check facebook, candy crush, look up info, and take the odd picture… Will I notice the difference between the two phones to be willing to pay more for the 7? Hoping for opinions for 6s plus and 7 plus from past of present owners.