Was this person overeating?

My friend and I are in college. The seniors in our class were doing a "invention fair." They were all business students presenting our ideas and prototypes. As freshmen, our job was to take photos of the event for our college's Facebook. We know all the seniors and were on friendly terms. My friend was taking photos but was not asking permission since she was friends with everyone. Then one guy slapped her phone on the floor and the screen cracked. She has an iPhone. I know its her fault for not asking permission, but I think he should have told her to stop and delete the photos instead. She want him to pay for the screen. Does she have a case?

Added (1). Was this person overreacting? Sorry for the typo.

YUP she does. He way over reacted and is liable for the damage he caused. Good luck on getting such a jerk to pay up however. Some friend huh? Two lessons here imo: a) one is not as well liked and think we're, b) extending a little courtesy avoids trouble in the long run.

What does this have to do with overeating?

He broke it, he should pay for it. Since there are witnesses, she should file a report with the campus police. This guy is unlikely to pay up, and having witness statements and a police report will help if she wants to go to small claims court for the repair cost. Since it will likely be a few hundred dollars, it's well worth the time and effort.

Punch that guy in the face and you do it, until you break his nose.

Yes. Btw, there's no general rule of law that requires permission to take someone's picture.

Yes, she has a case. She is not required to ask permission before photographing someone, so the guy who slapped her phone to the floor is 100% liable.

She could also call the police. It's assault.

There was no food at all in that story and now I feel cheated.

Difficult question because once illegal images have been collected there can be no guarantee that a promise of deleting those images has been completely carried out. I'm not sure that attacking the equipment that collected those images would or woundn't be protected. Not sure.

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