Do you think this website is real and ligit?

I found this website and it has Iphones on there brand new for about $160.00. If i can get the Iphone 7 for that cheap then i'm going to buy it off this website but i'm scared because what if its not a true website? Its called Bundle Shopee.Http://

Do you think its too good to be true?

The price alone screams, scam.

I wonder the same thing. Did you order from it?

You need to learn the meaning of the letters TANSTAAFL.

There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch.

Of course it is "too good to be true". Nobody buys iPhones (or any other gadget) for less than Apple sells them for, nobody can get them at a price point that makes a profit at that price. Any deviation over 10% of "normal" retail price on any item like that is 99.99 percent chance of being a scam of some sort.