What are good photo editing apps?

I want a photo editing app, i have an iphone 5. I just want somthing that you can enhance the photo and add nice effects too?
any good suggestions?

My fav is picmonkey.
It used to be called picnik.
it is very simple and easy to use.
just google search the word.
the photos you edit can be saved on your computer!

You can make more new apps with no programing experince, you can make it very easy… Just check it here, thank you.tinyurl.com/cdo3vqm

5 best Photo editing apps for the iPhone 5 are:--

360 Panorama
Pocket Light Meter
Photoshop Express
MoreLomo and MoreMono

I don't use iPhone, so I searched the internet and found the one passage talking about Top 30 photo apps for iPhone: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/08/08/best-free-iphone-photo-apps_n_921371.html#s324530&title=Instagram_

and 9 best free photo apps for iPhone: http://thenextweb.com/apps/2011/04/17/the-top-30-best-photography-apps-for-iphone/