What are some signs that it's time to get a new iPhone?

I'm one for keeping a phone as long as you can. I'm just wondering, what are some signs you should get a new phone? (Preferably before it stops functioning, that wouldn't be good because I need it for work).

When Apple stops updating the security features and it will not be able to use the latest ios you should probably upgrade. Iphones usually last a very long time.

When apps start to crash. I have an iPhone 6 and I can't play Pokémon go without it crashing.

When it no longer responds to your commands.

Other than that, as long as it works, it's OK ---- ISN'T IT?

I get a new one when the device doesn't support the most recent IOS update

My iPhone 6 still works perfectly. I'll go to ebay and get a used X iPhone when I have to.

If you take good care of it the main thing to go is the battery, these can be replaced fairly easily for a fee.

Software, if your phones too old it may not get the latest OS updates, this can also mean no updates for apps you use.

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