What are the best cases to get for your iphone 4s?

I'm getting an iphone 4s and i know they can be broken easily so i was wondering what is the best/strongest case you can buy for your iphone?

I don't know what you're looking for in price, but this is some hardcore ***.

Get android phone if you have not bought iphone 4s yet android phones like galaxy s4 or htc one and xperia z are way way better and almost the same price
and btw there are many cases around depends on what you like… Go to a local store and see what you like!

You should definitely take a look at Otterbox. They're are known for creating super durable, yet very stylish phone cases. I've had my iPhone in an Otterbox Defender case for almost 2 years and have had no problems. The case even looks the same as when I took it out of the packaging. I bought mine off of Amazon for only $35. You should definetley check them out there if you're interested, you can find some great deals on Amazon. The cases also come in a variety of different colors and designs depending on your taste.

I have my best iPhone 4 Case… You see.