What are the differences between Smartphone, Android, and Iphone?

What are the differences between Smartphone, Android, and Iphone?

All andriods are smartphones and iphones are way more perferable then andriods but they also have alot of technical problems

Diffrent companys.
exclusive applications.
one has a pen while other doesn't.
well android sometimes get games way a head of iphone Example: MineCraft.
iphone has itunes where you can watch tv shows and download movies.
i recommend android if you like game but if you like a smart phone to watch movies and videos get iphone.
well iphone and android are smart phones.

Smartphone is a phone that does more than make calls. Android is an operating system for smart phones. Iphone is a smartphone that does not run on android.

Smartphone is the general term for all mobile devices that are able to access email and other web content via the phone; such devices are BlackBerry, Android devices, the iPhone, Tizen, WebOS, Firefox OS, Open WebOS, and a variety of others. Android is a particular flavor of a mobile operating system. IPhone is Apple's smartphone that runs iOS, Apple's mobile operating system.

There are so many comparisons, So I will lower it down to a few major differences.

ANDROID: Allows widgets, allows custom launchers and themes, allows custom lockscreens, custom keyboards, in some phones custom fonts, custom roms, And the ability to download music for free, straight from the phone, same with apps
iPhone: Has Siri, has a great keyboard, and some great apps

Both Android & iPhone are smartphones.

Android is more customizable & varied among Samsungs, HTCs, Motorolas & LGs.
iOS is more secure & only used on iPhones (as far as phones go)