What are the effects the iPhone has on today s society?
This is the only part I can't do on my homework.
I remember growing up in a time where cell phones didn't exist. Someone in the family would still be in the grocery store, so we'd wait in the car five minutes on them. Getting bored of waiting, someone would go in after them. As they were searching, the other person would come out, and then we'd be waiting on the person searching for a good 10 more minutes.iPhones and other cellular devices now have GPS tracking in them, so not only can you communicate to avoid these sorts of situations, but you can track someone's position within a 20 ft radius. That's one way it effects it.
Then you have the more impersonal associations with others, but at the same time having the world become a smaller place. Lots you can say there; I'd assume that would be the bulk of what most people talk about.
Traditional methods of socializing have been replaced by technology.
iPhones are tools which measure our social consciousness. People who have iPhones are identified as being a certain kind a of person: and generally that is - wealthy, lavish, up-to-date, technologically adept etc.
- Why is society like this today? I'm 17 and when i'm on public transport, everyone has an iphone or a samsung galaxy they are always on it, i don't know what they are on, but they are on it. i have an iphone, but i rarely use it and what i can't believe is why the little kids have iphones why is it?
- Why are iPhones so important in our society? What's so great about them? I don't get it. Every time i turn on the TV, there's some segment about the NEW IPHONE… Big whoop, it's just a freaking phone, for crying out loud. You make calls with it, you can go online with it, you can take still pics, and you can record video. Wow, no other phone in the world can do that. How revolutionary. Boy, iPhones are amazing
- What will Society be like in 2000-3000 years? I think future humans will laugh at us. Just like how we laugh at some the romans and greeks ideas about gods and such… I also think technology will be incredibly advanced, seeing as just as much as something like the iPhone has advanced in just 5 years.
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