What are these little red bumps on my skin?

I'm currently 17 and for as long as I can remember I've always had this tiny little red bumps all over the top of my arms. They don't cause any discomfort, it's just unpleasing to look at everyday. My family always told me it's probably just dry skin (though my skin feels tight when it's dry so I know it's not that) but even with using lotion daily is never went away? There's 2 pictures here: What are these little red bumps on my skin What are these little red bumps on my skin - 1 of my arms. (Best I could get with the awkward angle and trying to focus my iPhone) Can someone tell me what that is?

Keratosis Pilaris is usually a minor deficiency of vitamin A.
Take 5,000 iu of vitamin A (pre-formed Retinol) or a tablespoon
of cod liver oil every day for 90 days.
This is common knowledge and the usual treatment in Europe.
If you are dark skinned, the cod liver oil is better as it contains vitamin D as well as A.
Most dark skinned people in the Northern latitudes are marginally vitamin D deficient,
and D and A are in sync. No improvement will be observed in less than 28 days
as this is time it takes for basal cells to reach the epidermis, the top layer of the skin.
And this needs to occur 3 times for softer skin.
SOURCES: Merck Manual (17th ed.)page 34,' Follicular Hyperkeratosis':
Upjohn's vitamin book.
Earl Mindell' Vitamin Bible 97th ed) page 32-33 is good for those
without a scientific background.

I would go see a dermatologist and they can at least tell yo uif there's way to get rid of it or what exactly it is, they will probably know in 30 seconds once they see it.

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