What can Verizon do if I were to jailbreak my iPhone 4S with iOS 6.2?

I want to jailbreak my phone so I can edit the slide bar to whatever I want but I don't want Verizon to disconnect me from my plan or make it so I can't call or txt people. Also is jail breaking legal? And what are the pros and cons?

Jailbreaking is legal. Voids the warranty though.
Verizon can't & won't do anything about it.
Oh & it would be iOS 6.1.2.

NO jailbreaking will not void the warranty anymore! Btw i HIGHLY doubt that verzion will lose their customers because of a jailbreak. They won't know you jailbreaked because theirs no possible way! Unless you go their… And if your scared then just back-up your stuff on itunes THEN re download it by syncing it and then take it their!